Goal: Support the Government of Indonesia in protecting 30% of its marine environment through the establishment of an approximately 620,000 km2 large-scale marine protected area (LSMPA) and 40,000 km2 of new coastal marine protected areas (MPAs)
The Alliance is collaborating with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and Konservasi Indonesia (KI) to facilitate stakeholder consultation and provide scientific and technical support to inform Indonesia’s new MPA Vision and Roadmap 2045.
Indonesia is home to diverse marine habitats, from coral reefs, estuaries, and lagoons, to coastal rivers, bays, and mangrove forests. These diverse and productive ecosystems provide countless social and economic benefits for the more than 180 million people who live along the nation’s coastlines. Per capita consumption of seafood products in Indonesia is twice the global average, representing more than half of all animal protein consumed.
Yet, Indonesia’s marine resources are subject to many threats, including overfishing, destructive fishing, coastal pollution, and climate change.
In 2009, Indonesia set an ambitious target of establishing MPAs for 6% of its marine territory by 2020. By early 2020, Indonesia had surpassed this goal with MPAs covering 7.2% of its waters.
With 8.3% of Indonesian waters now protected, the country is on track to achieve its target of 10% protected by 2030. Looking ahead, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has set a new goal of expanding MPA coverage to 30% by 2045.
Following the Indonesian government’s public endorsement of MPA Vision and Roadmap 2045, Alliance and partner resources are being used to build an evidence-based case for expanding and upgrading the protection of Indonesia’s waters beyond 12 nautical miles of the Sumatra-Java Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area to an LSMPA.