Press Releases
We commend the Australian Government's decision to expand the size of the Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) Marine Reserve and to increase sanctuary zones. This accomplishment brings greater protection for critical aggregation zones like the Gunnari Ridge and globally significant foraging areas for king and macaroni penguins, albatrosses, and Antarctic fur seals.
Located 4,100km southwest of Perth, the volcanic Heard and McDonald Islands are among Earth's most remote and biologically pristine places. The islands' relatively late discovery in the mid-19th century and minimal human visitation over the last century means their natural environments have barely been impacted by human activity.
A coalition of 27 environmental groups, including our partner Pew Australia, contributed to the campaign and advocacy efforts that led to this conservation win. While the Alliance and our partners applaud and celebrate this momentous announcement, there is some disappointment about critical habitats that were excluded from the sanctuaries, like undersea canyons and seafloor habitat, biodiverse seamounts, and the Williams Ridge.
This decision also advances Australia toward the 30x30 goal, turning 52% of its exclusive economic zone into marine parks and 23% into fully protected marine sanctuaries.
We are also grateful for Minderoo's support of this engagement on the ground, including voicing support for the campaign, expressing its level of ambition, and securing the highest protections possible.
Our conservation journey will continue as advocates look ahead toward future opportunities to advocate for higher levels of protection in the management planning process and subsequent reviews.